How to Generate an Attendance Code

The University of Liverpool monitors attendance by providing students with a code for timetabled sessions. The step by step guidance below explains how to generate an attendance code in preparation for your session.

Assistance will be provided for any external lecturers who do not have an MWS login.

  1. Visit the staff intranet, scroll to the Services and Support section and select the Timetable Portal under the Staff services column.
  2. Use your MWS username and password to sign-in to the Timetable Portal. From the left-hand side menu, click Programmes.
  3. Select the Department, Programme, Year/Level and View from the drop-down menus.
  • Department: School of Medicine
  • Programme: A100: B. of Medicine & B. of Surgery (A101 for Graduate Entry Scheme)
  • Year/Level: relevant year group
  • View: Weekly View
  1. Clicking on Weekly View will prompt a fifth drop-down menu named Weeks to appear. Select the relevant teaching week for the session you wish to generate a code for. Click the Show Timetable button.
  2. Wait for the timetable to appear and select the relevant session. Click Request attendance code.
  3. The Event Details box will pop up. You will have the option to change the attendance window start and end time if required. Ensure the attendance attribute is set to mandatory. Click Update to generate the code.
  4. Copy and share the code with students after the session has started.

Author: Emily Aitken | Jun 15, 2023 | 75