How can I create more engaging and interactive recordings?

Here you will find tips on how to make your recording more engaging for students.

Duration & Reflection

  • Where possible make your videos shorter than a standard live lecture, not exceeding 20 minutes. Students will find it easier to concentrate on shorter videos.
  • Build in ‘pause and reflect points’ and ‘activity breaks' throughout your recording. Including slides that ask students to pause the recording to reflect on what they’ve heard so far (or stretch) encourages active listening.

Interactive Elements

  • You can also include interactive elements such as true/false, multiple choice, multiple select and fill in the blank quizzes. Use the Panopto editor to add a comprehension check quiz that helps students assess their own understanding and spot when they have missed/misunderstood key points.
  • Including quizzes can be a great way to keep students engaged, and help you see where your session was well understood or where there was still some confusion – as you can return to the recording and review your students’ responses later!

Additional External Resources

  • Add hyperlinks at specific points in the recording to prompt engagement with an activity or external resource. You could for example link to a Padlet board asking students to contribute ideas based on something they have just learned.
  • You can also include resource links in the table of contents to provide easy access for students to engage with additional related resources and further readings.

Discussion Boards & Notes

  • You could encourage students to post answers to your questions on the Panopto Discussion (to share publically), or Notes (to keep a private record) tools. 
  • For CBL session recordings, you could encourage students to create and join a Private Notes ‘Channel’ where they can share notes in study groups to help them collaborate and prep for live CBL sessions.
  • You could consider ending a recording by asking students to make a 2 point reflection Public Note on the most interesting or challenging thing they have learned from the session.
  • You might also prompt students to add Bookmarks to specific quotes or parts of the video resources that they will want to refer back to.
Author: Sophie Holliday | Feb 14, 2024 | 89