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Any 3rd party materials used by staff in teaching and learning must adhere to copyright law. Using images and audio-visual material can be challenging due to the multi-layered rights involved. The following guidance offers a brief ‘need to know’ overview of some essentials, but we recommend you visit the University of Liverpool Copyright: Information for Teaching Lib Guide for detailed guidance. The Copyright Lib Guide from Swansea University is also a useful reference site.
If your recording includes material whose copyright is owned by 3rd parties, one of the following must apply to use the materials legitimately:
*Response to RLUK letter by Amanda Solloway MP in relation to copyright and the use of educational materials online during COVID-19. 23/04/2020 “… (Section 32 CDPA) allows copyright works to be used for illustrative purposes during teaching as long as their use is fair, non-commercial, limited to the persons giving and receiving instruction, and acknowledges rights holders. Many materials used in presentations by teachers, including those which are streamed remotely to students, are likely to fall within this provision.”
If you have any copyright questions you can contact the School Liaison Librarian, Louise Minta.
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School of Medicine, University of Liverpool Cedar House, Ashton Street, Liverpool, L69 3GE UK+44 (0)151 795 4362