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Using external sources in your recordings, such as YouTube Videos and webpages, are a great way to supplement students' learning and help them engage with the content.
Link: Link to the YouTube video.
Time: This is the time in your Panopto video where the YouTube video will start playing.
Start (Optional): Designate a time in the YouTube video to begin playing the video.
End (Optional) - Designate a time in the YouTube video to stop playing the video.
Show YouTube Controls: If selected, the controls for the YouTube video will appear when a user hovers over the video.
Autoplay: If selected, the YouTube video will play automatically once the Panopto video reaches the timestamp indicated. If deselected, the video pauses and the viewer must select play.
When using these sources please ensure that context is provided as to why they're being used.
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School of Medicine, University of Liverpool Cedar House, Ashton Street, Liverpool, L69 3GE UK+44 (0)151 795 4362